
Here is our homework schedule. Check below to find out more info about each of the assignments.

Weekly Homework



**Word Study

***Rocket Math



**Word Study

***Rocket Math



**Word Study

***Rocket Math



**Word Study

****Be Active!


Enjoy the Weekend!

* A book we have been practicing during reading groups will be in your child's book pouch with a weekly reading log. Please sign your child's reading log nightly and return it to school with the book in the book pouch. Click here for some prompts to help your child if he/she is stuck while reading.

** We will be working on word study activities throughout each week. Click on our Literacy page for this week's focus!

*** Your child should complete the top half of the Rocket Math quiz paper in his/her red homework folder and return it to school the next day.

**** Do something ACTIVE!!